Fast CI
Built for Monorepos
Nx Cloud is the end-to-end solution for smart, efficient and maintainable CI.

See how Nx Cloud works
In under 9 minutes
Startups and Fortune 500 companies trust Nx Cloud
Both faster & cheaper
Nx Cloud makes your CI significantly faster and cheaper, while also making it more maintainable and reliable.
Cost per month for CI compute. Data collected based on a typical month of CI runs measured on the Nx OSS monorepo.
Deep understanding of your workspace
Nx Cloud knows your build tools, how your projects relate to each other, and what every task does.
Main Workflow
nx affected --target=build,lint,test
Nx Agents
- website:build-base
- website:build
- docs:lint
- express:test
- website:lint
nx affected --targets=e2e
nx affected --targets=e2e,test
Feb 23, 2024 08:57:49 - 08:57:54 (4s)
nx run nx-dev:sitemap ✨ [next-sitemap] Loading next-sitemap config:file:///home/workflows/workspace/nx-dev/nx-dev/next-sitemap.config.js ❌ [next-sitemap] Unable to find export-maker. Make sure to build the project using "next build" command node:internal/process/promises:289 triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */); ^ [Error:ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/home/workflows/workspace/dist/nx-dev/nx-dev/.next/export-marker.json'] errno: -2, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'stat', path: '/home/workflows/workspace/dist/nx-dev/nx-dev/.next/export-marker.json' Node.js v20.9.0 Warning: command "pnpm next-sitemap --config ./nx-dev/nx-dev/next-sitemap.config.js" exited with non-zero status code
AI for your CI
With the knowledge of your workspace structure, your CI and commit history, Nx Cloud can optimize CI resource usage, help resolve issues, provide powerful analytics and suggest refactorings.
- Dynamic Nx Agent sizingComing soon
- Automatically adjust Nx Agents numbers depending on your workspace usage and needs.
- Task cache miss diagnosisComing soon
- Understand why a task has a cache miss and how to fix it.
- Organization insightsComing soon
- Understand your teams' workspaces: shared code usage, ownership, bottlenecks.
Seamless distribution, faster CI
Nx Cloud dynamically adapts to your CI needs - providing an excellent developer experience while minimizing your costs.
- Perfect provisioning.
- Instruct Nx Cloud to dynamically allocate the right number of agents for each pull request.
- Effortless CI integration.
- Utilize additional compute from Nx Cloud and enjoy faster and cheaper CI with your existing provider.
- Simple configuration.
- Add a single line to your CI configuration to enable distribution, computation caching, E2E test splitting, and more.
Your CI provider
nx affected -t lint build test
on job: main-linux
~ $
npx nx-cloud start-ci-run --distribute-on="15 linux-medium-plus-js"
Your CI provider
nx affected -t lint build test
on job: main-linux
Nx Cloud
Optimize agent utilization
Save money
Nx Cloud uses historical data and models to optimize the utilization of your agents.
Trusted by startups and Fortune 500 companies
Nx Cloud provides plans for open source projects, startups, and large enterprises.
- Developers using Nx
- 2M+
- Active workspaces
- 4k+
- Compute time saved
- 800+ years
- Runs daily
- 100k+