Nx Enterprise
Accelerate your organization's journey to tighter collaboration, better developer experience, and speed…lots of speed.
Ready to talk terms? Speak directly to sales.
- Speed
- 30-70% Faster
- Infra Cost
- 40-75% Cheaper
- Compute
- 30-60% Less
Our case study
See how a $7B bank saved money, reduced CI times by 62% and improved developer productivity.
Scale your people
Build big things with the efficiency of a small team by increasing collaboration and developer mobility, reducing wait time and duplication, and establishing clear ownership.

Monorepo, polyrepo, multi-monorepo?
Whatever you’re working with, Nx Enterprise will give you the visibility you need to understand what they have in common, how they relate, and how they differ.
Monorepo experience in a polyrepo environment
Nx Enterprise will support optional monorepo-like constraints to be applied across Nx Workspace boundaries in a seamless and flexible way. Move fast with confidence.
Automation over coordination
Testing and cross-repo coordination can be left to Nx Enterprise tooling instead of manual human intervention to test and enforce cross-repo dependencies & constraints.
Nx Cloud is certified to the industry standards, is constantly monitored and issue security Trust Reports powered by Vanta.
Dedicated infrastructure
We can support you to self-host Nx Cloud within your own infrastructure or, depending on your needs, run Nx Cloud on managed hosts within our cloud.
Application security
We consistently review our security policies and collaborate with third parties for penetration testing to promptly identify and mitigate potential risks.
US & EU instances available
We support region specific hosting of Nx Cloud in the event IT security or data protection policies restrict international transfers.
Solve your CI
Monorepos help you scale your people but they can also make CI a challenge. Nx Enterprise solves it by providing efficient, fast and reliable CI that can handle workflows of any size.
Main Workflow
nx affected --target=build,lint,test
Nx Agents
- website:build-base
- website:build
- docs:lint
- express:test
- website:lint
Feb 23, 2024 08:57:49 - 08:57:54 (4s)
nx run nx-dev:sitemap ✨ [next-sitemap] Loading next-sitemap config:file:///home/workflows/workspace/nx-dev/nx-dev/next-sitemap.config.js ❌ [next-sitemap] Unable to find export-maker. Make sure to build the project using "next build" command node:internal/process/promises:289 triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */); ^ [Error:ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/home/workflows/workspace/dist/nx-dev/nx-dev/.next/export-marker.json'] errno: -2, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'stat', path: '/home/workflows/workspace/dist/nx-dev/nx-dev/.next/export-marker.json' Node.js v20.9.0 Warning: command "pnpm next-sitemap --config ./nx-dev/nx-dev/next-sitemap.config.js" exited with non-zero status code
Both faster and cheaper
Current CI providers aren’t made for monorepos. They’re low-level and static in their configuration. The combination of Nx Agents and Nx Replay lets you reuse computation from other runs and utilizes the allocated VMs in the most optimal way.
Solving E2E tests
Atomizer splits large e2e projects into fine-grained test runs, enabling more efficient distribution and dramatically reducing CI times. It also identifies flaky e2e tests at the file level and re-runs those specific tests.
What, not how
Nx Enterprise simplifies CI configuration, emphasizing which tasks to execute over how with no need to tweak your CI scripts as your monorepo evolves. This simplified configuration cuts down on CI maintenance and increases stability.
Download our ebook
Discover how to scale your organization without feeling the pain of CI, while having a better developer experience and fitting your requirements.
Partner with the Nx team
- Move fast, move together
We know Nx, you know your code. Together, we can build your ultimate developer platform, tailored to your team.
- No trial and error necessary
With the help of the developers of Nx, you'll use Nx and Nx Cloud to its full potential, the first time. No matter how long you've been using Nx, we'll find ways to make it more powerful.
- Migrate to Nx & Nx Cloud
Wherever your team is at in their Nx journey, our experts will make it easy to move ahead and capture the full value of Nx and Nx Cloud.
Your organization's transformation
starts now
Ready to talk terms? Speak directly to sales.